Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 10 Things I Learned as a PR Major

While I feel that I have gained a multitude of knowledge during my time as a PR major at GCSU, if I am forced to narrow it down to a list of 10, I'll do what I must. So here it is:

1.)Probably the most useful: How to write a press release (because it is an art)
2.)How to use AP style (this is necessary for almost everything else on the list)
3.)Team work makes the dream work (love group projects and make new friends from them)
4.)Clients don't always come through on their promises: Have 8 backup plans for everything!
5.)Make connections because they are key in getting internships and jobs
6.)Do a practicum with the Colonnade because it greatly improves your writing skills
7.)How to put together and execute a campaign
8.)Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook,blogging, etc.) is, in fact, useful :)
9.)Save EVERYTHING you've done in order to make a great portfolio
10.) Never, EVER put out carrots at an event without first checking for sliminess

11.)Be careful of where you place fliers. The bathroom stalls are not acceptable locations
12.)I am not a huge fan of the CW
13.)Think gluten free
14.)SPSS is a punk.
15.)I had some of the best classmates EVER


  1. Personal Favorites are #3, #10, #11 and #12...So glad I got to share my PR Experience with you :)
